Source code for supervillain.lattice

#!/usr/bin/env python

from functools import cached_property
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import numpy as np

from supervillain.h5 import ReadWriteable

def _dimension(n):

        n:  int
            size of the dimension

        an FFT-convention-compatible list of coordinates for a dimension of size n,
        ``[0, 1, 2, ... max, min ... -2, -1]``.
    return np.array(list(range(0, n // 2 + 1)) + list(range( - n // 2 + 1, 0)), dtype=int)

[docs]class Lattice2D(ReadWriteable): r''' A two-dimensional square lattice is a collection of sites, links, and plaquettes arranged in the obvious cartesian grid. We specialize to lattices with an equal number of sites in both directions. We impose periodic boundary conditions to ensure translational invariance. It is helpful to establish some conventions about coordinates. As shown in the picture below, *sites* live on integer coordinates, *links* connect two integer coordinates, and *plaquettes* are centered on half-integer coordinates. 0-forms are defined on sites, 1-forms on links, and 2-forms on plaquettes. You can get a correctly-sized array to hold a p-form using :py:meth:`~.Lattice2D.form`. .. plot:: example/plot/lattice/ Links that emanate from sites at the edge of the lattice connect to those on the opposite edge. Similarly, plaquettes are always bounded by 4 links, even if some of those links are on the opposite edge. This ensures periodic boundary conditions. It is much easier to index into arrays using integers. A site can be specified by 2 integers, the coordinates. A link requires 3 integers, first the direction (0 or 1) and then the coordinates of the site from which the link emanates. A plaquette requires 2 integers, the coordinates of the plaquette both rounded down. In the figure above, a 0-, 1-, and 2-form are 0 everywhere except for those elements whose integer spatial coordinates are (0, 0), which are 1. .. literalinclude:: ../example/plot/lattice/ :lines: 30-39 Parameters ---------- n: int The number of sites on a side. ''' def __init__(self, n): self.nt = n self.nx = n self.dims = (self.nx, self.nt) r''' The dimension sizes in order. >>> lattice = Lattice2D(5) >>> lattice.dims (5, 5) ''' self.dim = len(self.dims) self.sites = self.nt * self.nx r''' The total number of sites. >>> lattice = Lattice2D(5) >>> lattice.sites 25 ''' self.links = self.dim * self.sites self.plaquettes = self.sites # 2D! self.t = _dimension(self.nt) r''' The coordinates in the t direction. >>> lattice = Lattice2D(5) >>> lattice.t array([ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1]) ''' self.x = _dimension(self.nx) r''' The coordinates in the x direction. >>> lattice = Lattice2D(5) >>> lattice.x array([ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1]) ''' self.T = np.tile( self.t, (self.nx, 1)).transpose() r''' An array of size ``dims`` with the t coordinate as a value. >>> lattice = Lattice(5) >>> lattice.T array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [-2, -2, -2, -2, -2], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]]) ''' self.X = np.tile( self.x, (self.nt, 1)) r''' An array of size ``dims`` with the y coordinate as a value. >>> lattice = Lattice(5) >>> lattice.X array([[ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1], [ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1], [ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1], [ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1], [ 0, 1, 2, -2, -1]]) ''' self.R_squared = self.X**2 + self.T**2 r''' An array of size ``dims`` which gives the square of the distance from the origin for each site. >>> lattice = Lattice(5) >>> lattice.R_squared array([[ 0, 1, 4, 4, 1], [ 1, 2, 5, 5, 2], [ 4, 5, 8, 8, 5], [ 4, 5, 8, 8, 5], [ 1, 2, 5, 5, 2]]) ''' # We also construct a linearized list of coordinates. # The order matches self.X.ravel() and self.Y.ravel() self.coordinates = np.stack((self.T.flatten(), self.X.flatten())).transpose() ''' An array of size ``[sites, len(dims)]``. Each row contains a pair of coordinates. The order matches ``{T,X}.flatten()``. >>> lattice = Lattice(5) >>> lattice.coordinates >>> lattice.coordinates array([[ 0, 0], [ 0, 1], [ 0, 2], [ 0, -2], [ 0, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1], [ 1, 2], [ 1, -2], [ 1, -1], [ 2, 0], [ 2, 1], [ 2, 2], [ 2, -2], [ 2, -1], [-2, 0], [-2, 1], [-2, 2], [-2, -2], [-2, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [-1, 2], [-1, -2], [-1, -1]]) ''' self.point_group_operations = np.array(( # Matches the order of the (a,b) orbit in docs/D4.rst # That makes it easy to read off the weights ((+1,0),(0,+1)), # identity ((0,+1),(+1,0)), # reflect across y=+x ((0,-1),(+1,0)), # rotate(π/2) ((-1,0),(0,+1)), # reflect across y-axis ((-1,0),(0,-1)), # rotate(π) = inversion ((0,-1),(-1,0)), # reflect across y=-x ((0,+1),(-1,0)), # rotate(3π/2) ((+1,0),(0,-1)), # reflect across x-axis )) self.point_group_weights = { 'A1': np.array((+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1))/8 + 0.j, 'A2': np.array((+1,-1,+1,-1,+1,-1,+1,-1))/8 + 0.j, 'B1': np.array((+1,-1,-1,+1,+1,-1,-1,+1))/8 + 0.j, 'B2': np.array((+1,+1,-1,-1,+1,+1,-1,-1))/8 + 0.j, "E+": np.array((+1,+1j,+1j,-1,-1,-1j,-1j,+1))/8, "E-": np.array((+1,-1j,-1j,-1,-1,+1j,+1j,+1))/8, "E'+": np.array((+1,-1j,+1j,+1,-1,+1j,-1j,-1))/8, "E'-": np.array((+1,+1j,-1j,+1,-1,-1j,+1j,-1))/8, } self.point_group_irreps = tuple(self.point_group_weights.keys()) def __str__(self): return f'Lattice2D({self.nt},{self.nx})' def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def mod(self, x): r''' Mod integer coordinates into values on the lattice. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray Either one coordinate pair of ``.shape==(2,)`` or a set of pairs ``.shape==(*,2)`` The last dimension should be of size 2. Returns ------- np.ndarray Each x is identified with an entry of ``coordinates`` by periodic boundary conditions. The output is the same shape as the input. ''' modded = np.mod(x, self.dims).transpose() return np.stack(( self.t[modded[0]], self.x[modded[1]] )).transpose()
[docs] def distance_squared(self, a, b): r''' .. math:: \texttt{distance_squared}(a,b) = \left| \texttt{mod}(a - b)\right|^2 Parameters ---------- a: np.ndarray coordinates that need not be on the lattice b: np.ndarray coordinates that need not be on the lattice Returns ------- np.ndarray The distance between ``a`` and ``b`` on the lattice accounting for the fact that, because of periodic boundary conditions, the distance may shorter than naively expected. Either ``a`` and ``b`` both hold the same number of coordinate pairs, or one is a singleton. ''' d = self.mod(a-b) if d.ndim == 1: return np.sum(d**2) return np.sum(d**2, axis=(1,))
[docs] def roll(self, data, shift, axes=(-2,-1)): return np.roll(np.roll(data, shift=shift[0], axis=axes[0]), shift=shift[1], axis=axes[1])
[docs] def coordinatize(self, v, dims=(-1,), center_origin=False): r''' Unflattens all the dims from a linear superindex to one index for each dimension in ``.dims``. Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray An array with at least one dimension linearized in space. dims: tuple of integers The directions you wish to unflatten into a meaningful shape that matches the lattice. center_origin: boolean If true, each coordinatized dimension is rolled so that the origin is in the center of the two slices. This is primarily good for making pictures. :func:`~.linearize` does not provide an inverse of this, because you really should not do it in the middle of a calculation! Returns ------- np.ndarray ``v`` but with more, shorter dimensions. Dimensions specified by ``dims`` are unflattened. ''' v_dims = len(v.shape) # We'll build up the new shape by considering each index left-to-right. # So, for negative indices we need to mod them by the number of dimensions. to_reshape = np.sort(np.remainder(np.array(dims), v_dims)) new_shape = () for i, s in enumerate(v.shape): new_shape += ((s,) if i not in to_reshape else self.dims) reshaped = v.reshape(new_shape) if not center_origin: return reshaped axes = to_reshape + np.arange(len(to_reshape)) shifts = (self.nt // 2, self.nx // 2) for a in axes: reshaped = reshaped.roll(shifts, dims=(a,a+1)) return reshaped
[docs] def linearize(self, v, dims=(-1,)): r''' Flattens adjacent dimensions of v with shape ``.dims`` into a dimension of size ``.sites``. Parameters ---------- v: np.ndarray dims: tuples of integers that specify that dimensions *in the result* that come from flattening. Modded by the dimension of the resulting array so that any dimension is legal. However, one should take care to ensure that no two are the SAME index of the result; this causes a RuntimeError. Returns ------- np.ndarray ``v`` but with fewer, larger dimensions .. note:: The ``dims`` parameter may be a bit confusing. This perhaps-peculiar convention is to make it easier to combine with ``coordinatize``. ``linearize`` and ``coordinatize`` are inverses when they get *the same* dims arguments. >>> import numpy as np >>> import supervillain >>> nx = 5 >>> dims = (0, -1) >>> lattice = supervillain.lattice.Lattice2D(5) >>> v = np.arange(nx**(2*3)).reshape(nx**2, nx**2, nx**2) >>> u = lattice.coordinatize(v, dims) >>> u.shape (5, 5, 25, 5, 5) >>> w = lattice.linearize(u, dims) # dims indexes into the dimensions of w, not u! >>> w.shape (25, 25, 25) >>> (v == w).all() True ''' shape = v.shape v_dims = len(shape) dm = set(dims) future_dims = v_dims - (len(self.dims)-1) * len(dm) dm = set(d % future_dims for d in dm) new_shape = [] idx = 0 for i in range(future_dims): if i not in dm: new_shape += [shape[idx]] idx += 1 else: new_shape += [self.sites] idx += len(self.dims) try: return v.reshape(new_shape) except RuntimeError as error: raise ValueError(f''' This happens when two indices to be linearized are accidentally the same. For example, for a lattice of size [5,5], if v has .shape [t, x, 5, 5] and you linearize(v, (2,-1)) the 2 axis and the -1 axis would refer to the same axis in [t, x, 25]. Perhaps this happened with your vector of shape {v.shape} and {dims=}? ''') from error
[docs] def form(self, p, count=None, dtype=float): r''' Parameters ---------- p: integer A 2D lattice supports {0, 1, 2}-forms. count: How many forms to return. dtype: Data type (float, int, etc.) Returns ------- np.ndarray If count is none, return an array full of zeros that can hold a p-form. If count is not none, return an array that can hold that many p-forms, batch dimension first. For example, if we needed to hold 7 forms of each kind for a 3×3 lattice, >>> L = Lattice2D(3) >>> L.form(0, 7).shape (7, 3, 3) >>> L.form(1, 7).shape (7, 2, 3, 3) >>> L.form(2, 7).shape (7, 3, 3) Notice that the 1-form has an extra dimension compared to the 0 form (because there are 2 links per site in 2 dimensions) and the 2-form has the same shape as sites (which is special to 2D). The spacetime dependence is last because :func:`~coordinatize` and :func:`~Lattice2D.linearize` default to the last dimension. .. note :: These are normal arrays indexed by integers, even though, for example, plaquettes live on half-integers. To see a visual clarification see :class:`the very first figure above <supervillain.lattice.Lattice2D>`. ''' if count is None: return self.form(p, count=1, dtype=dtype)[0] if p == 0: return np.zeros((count,) + self.dims, dtype=dtype) elif p == 1: return np.zeros((count, self.dim) + self.dims, dtype=dtype) elif p == 2: return np.zeros((count, ) + self.dims, dtype=dtype) # 2D else: raise ValueError("It's a 2D lattice, you can't have a {p}-form.")
[docs] def d(self, p, form): r''' The (lattice) exterior derivative. The derivative operates differently depending on the degree of the form p. As an operator the derivative is translationally invariant, so we focus on simple examples which may then be scaled and composed by superposition. First we consider a 0-form that vanishes everywhere (white vertices) except the origin, where it is unity (black). Its exterior derivative is a 1-form which vanishes on links that do not touch the origin (gray), is –1 (blue) when the origin is at the tail of the links, and is +1 (red) when the origin is at the head of the links. .. plot:: example/plot/lattice/ Next we consider the exterior derivative's action on 1-forms. We start with a 1-form which vanishes everywhere (white links) but for the horizontal link starting from (-1, -1) and the vertical link starting from (+1, +1), where it is unity (black). Its exterior derivative is a 2-form which vanishes on (gray) plaquettes that do not touch those links, or is –1 (blue) or +1 (red) on plaquettes whose boundary contains those links. .. plot:: example/plot/lattice/ For a two-dimensional lattice the exterior derivative of a 2-form is 0. Parameters ---------- p: int The rank of the form. form: np.ndarray The data the form. Returns ------- np.ndarray: d(0-form) = 1-form, d(1-form) = 2-form, d(2-form) = 0. ''' if p == 0: return np.stack(tuple( np.roll(form, shift=-1, axis=a) - form for a, _ in enumerate(self.dims) )) elif p == 1: return form[0] + np.roll(form[1], shift=-1, axis=0) - np.roll(form[0], shift=-1, axis=1) - form[1] elif p == 2: return 0 else: raise ValueError("It's a 2D lattice, you can't have a {p}-form.")
[docs] def delta(self, p, form): r''' The (lattice) interior derivative / divergence of the p-form. The divergence operates differently depending on the degree of the form. As an operator the divergence is translationally invariant, so we focus on simple examples which may then be scaled and composed by superposition. The divergence of a 0-form is 0. First we consider a 1-form that vanishes everywhere (white links) except where it is unity (black links). Its divergence is a 0-form which vanishes on (gray) sites that do not touch the nonzero links, is –1 (blue) at the tail of the link and is +1 (red) at the head of the link. .. plot:: example/plot/lattice/ Next we consider a 2-form that vanishes on every (white) plaquettes except where it is unity (black plaquette, whose lower-left corner is the origin). Its divergence is a 1-form which vanishes on links that do not touch that plaquette (gray), or is –1 (blue) or +1 (red) on links on that plaquette's boundary. .. plot:: example/plot/lattice/ Parameters ---------- p: int The rank of the form. form: np.ndarray The data the form. Returns ------- np.ndarray: δ(2-form) = 1-form, δ(1-form) = 0-form, δ(0-form) = 0. ''' if p == 0: return 0 elif p == 1: return self.roll(form[0], (+1,0)) + self.roll(form[1], (0,+1)) - form[0] - form[1] elif p == 2: return np.stack(( form - self.roll(form, (0,+1)), self.roll(form, (+1,0)) - form, )) else: raise ValueError("It's a 2D lattice, you can't have a {p}-form.")
δ = delta r''' Alias for :func:`delta <>`. ''' @cached_property def checkerboarding(self): r''' On a square lattice of even size both the sites and plaquettes can bipartitioned so that no simplex of one color has a neighbor of the same color. In the left panel of the figure below, that's shown as grey and green plaquettes, and no plaquette shares an edge with a plaquette of the same color. .. plot:: example/plot/ On an odd-sized lattice the periodic boundary conditions makes it impossible to accomplish this partitioning with only 2 colors. But, as shown in the right panel of the figure, a similar construction where no plaquette has a neighbor of the same color is possible with 4 colors. The checkerboarding is a tuple of `index arrays <>`_ which correspond to the coloring. For each color you get 2 arrays which give the t- and x- indices, respectively. But, because numpy arrays have fancy indexing, you can use each pair very straightforwardly, as in the above example .. literalinclude:: ../example/plot/ :lines: 19-22 .. warning :: No promise is made about the future behavior of the partitioning. For example, it might be wiser for performance to split the 4 colors less evenly. All that is promised is that within each color no site (or plaquette) will have a neighbor of the same color. ''' parity = np.mod(self.dims, 2) red = (np.mod(self.X+self.T,2) == 0) black = (np.mod(self.X+self.T,2) == 1) if (parity == 0).all(): # No problem with periodic boundaries, can just use the two colors. return (np.where(red), np.where(black)) if (parity == 1).all(): # The periodic boundaries would put sites of the same color next to one another. # Therefore we need to add additional colors. left = self.T >= 0 right = self.T < 0 top = self.X >= 0 bottom = self.X < 0 return ( np.where(red & ((left & top) | (right & bottom))), np.where(black & ((left & top) | (right & bottom))), np.where(red & ((left & bottom) | (right & top))), np.where(black & ((left & bottom) | (right & top))), ) # Here is the first pass implementation, where the 2 colors were only on a single strip in # each direction, proportional to self.nx and self.nt in size, # while the other 2 colors grew in proportion to self.sites. #corner = ((self.X == (self.nx // 2)) & (self.T == (self.nt // 2))) #boundary = ((self.X == (self.nx // 2)) | (self.T == (self.nt // 2))) ^ corner #bulk = 1-boundary #return (np.where(red & bulk), np.where(black & bulk), # np.where(red & boundary), np.where(black & boundary), # ) raise ValueError('Non-square lattices are not supported.')
[docs] def t_fft(self, form, axis=-2): r''' Fourier transforms the form in the time direction, .. math :: F_\nu = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{t=0}^{N-1} e^{-2\pi i \nu t / N} f_t where $\nu$ is the integer frequency, $t$ the integer time coordinate and $N$ is the temporal extent of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axis: int The axis which is the time direction. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the frequency domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.fft(form, axis=axis, norm='ortho')
[docs] def t_ifft(self, form, axis=-2): r''' Inverse transforms the form in the time direction, .. math :: f_t = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{\nu=0}^{N-1} e^{+2\pi i \nu t / N} F_\nu where $\nu$ is the integer frequency, $t$ the integer time coordinate and $N$ is the temporal extent of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axis: int The axis which is the frequency direction. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the time domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.ifft(form, axis=axis, norm='ortho')
[docs] def t_convolution(self, f, g, axis=-2): r''' The `convolution <>`_ is given by .. math :: \texttt{t_convolution(f, g)}(t) = (f * g)(t) = \sum_\tau f(\tau) g(t-\tau) .. collapse :: The convolution is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f * g)(t) &= \sum_\tau f(\tau ) g(t-\tau ) \\ &= \sum_{\tau } \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_\nu e^{2\pi i \nu \tau / N} F_\nu \right)\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{\nu'} e^{2\pi i \nu' (t-\tau ) / N} G_{\nu'} \right) \\ &= \sum_{\nu\nu'} e^{2\pi i \nu' t / N} F_\nu G_{\nu'} \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{\tau} e^{2\pi i (\nu-\nu') \tau / N} \right) \\ &= \sum_{\nu} e^{2\pi i \nu t / N} F_\nu G_\nu \\ \texttt{t_convolution(f, g)} &= \sqrt{N} \times \texttt{t_ifft(t_fft(f)t_fft(g))} \end{align} Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axis is a temporal direction. g: np.array A form whose axis is a temporal direction. axis: int The common spatial dimension along which to convolve. Returns ------- np.array: The convolution of f and g along the axis. ''' return np.sqrt(self.nt) * self.t_ifft( self.t_fft(f, axis=axis) * self.x_fft(g, axis=axis), axis=axis)
[docs] def t_correlation(self, f, g, axis=-1): r''' The temporal `cross-correlation <>`_ is given by .. math :: \texttt{t_correlation(f, g)}(t) = (f ⋆ g)(t) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_\tau f(\tau)^* g(\tau-t) where $f^*$ is the complex conjugate of $f$. .. collapse :: The temporal cross-correlation is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f ⋆ g)(t) &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_\tau f(\tau )^* g(\tau -t) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\tau } \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_\nu e^{2\pi i \nu \tau / N} F_\nu \right)^* \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{\nu'} e^{2\pi i \nu' (\tau -t) / N} G_{\nu'} \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu\nu'} e^{-2\pi i \nu' t / N} F_\nu^* G_{\nu'} \; \left(\frac{1}{N}\sum_\tau e^{2\pi i (\nu'-\nu) \tau / N} = \delta_{\nu'\nu} \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu} e^{-2\pi i \nu t / N} F_\nu^* G_\nu \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{\nu} e^{-2\pi i \nu t / N} F_\nu^* G_\nu \right) \\ \texttt{t_correlation(f, g)} &= \texttt{t_fft(conj(t_fft(f))t_fft(g))} / \sqrt{N} \end{align} .. warning :: We have $g(\tau-t)$ whereas `Wikipedia <>`_ has $g(\tau+t)$. The difference is just the sign on the relative coordinates. .. warning :: We normalize by the number of time slices, `Wikipedia <>`_ does not. Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axis is a temporal direction. g: np.array A form whose axis is a temporl direction. axis: int The common temporal dimension along which to correlate. Returns ------- np.array: The correlation of f and g along the axis, which is now the relative coordinate. ''' return self.x_ifft( self.x_fft(f, axis=axis).conj() * self.x_fft(g, axis=axis), axis=axis) / np.sqrt(self.nx)
[docs] def x_fft(self, form, axis=-1): r''' Fourier transforms the form in the space direction, .. math :: F_k = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{x=0}^{N-1} e^{-2\pi i k x / N} f_x where $k$ is the integer wavenumber, $x$ the integer space coordinate and $N$ is the spatial volume of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axis: int The axis which is the space direction. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the wavenumber domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.fft(form, axis=axis, norm='ortho')
[docs] def x_ifft(self, form, axis=-1): r''' Inverse transforms the form in the space direction, .. math :: f_x = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} e^{+2\pi i k x / N} F_k where $k$ is the integer wavenumber, $x$ the integer space coordinate and $N$ is the spatial volume of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axis: int The axis which is the wavenumber direction. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the space domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.ifft(form, axis=axis, norm='ortho')
[docs] def x_convolution(self, f, g, axis=-1): r''' The `convolution <>`_ .. math :: (f * g)(x) = \int dy\; f(y) g(x-y) on the discretized lattice is given by .. math :: \texttt{x_convolution(f, g)}(x) = (f * g)(x) = \sum_y f(y) g(x-y) .. collapse :: The convolution is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f * g)(x) &= \sum_y f(y) g(x-y) \\ &= \sum_{y} \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_k e^{2\pi i k y / N} F_k \right)\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_q e^{2\pi i q (x-y) / N} G_q \right) \\ &= \sum_{kq} e^{2\pi i q x / N} F_k G_q \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_y e^{2\pi i (k-q) y / N} = \delta_{kq} \right) \\ &= \sum_{k} e^{2\pi i k x / N} F_k G_k \\ \texttt{x_convolution(f, g)} &= \sqrt{N} \times \texttt{x_ifft(x_fft(f)x_fft(g))} \end{align} Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axis is a spatial direction. g: np.array A form whose axis is a spatial direction. axis: int The common spatial dimension along which to convolve. Returns ------- np.array: The convolution of f and g along the axis. ''' return np.sqrt(self.nx) * self.x_ifft( self.x_fft(f, axis=axis) * self.x_fft(g, axis=axis), axis=axis)
[docs] def x_correlation(self, f, g, axis=-1): r''' The spatial `cross-correlation <>`_ is given by .. math :: \texttt{x_correlation(f, g)}(x) = (f ⋆ g)(x) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_y f(y)^* g(y-x) where $f^*$ is the complex conjugate of $f$. .. collapse :: The spatial cross-correlation is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f ⋆ g)(x) &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_y f(y)^* g(y-x) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{y} \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_k e^{2\pi i k y / N} F_k \right)^* \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_q e^{2\pi i q (y-x) / N} G_q \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{kq} e^{-2\pi i q x / N} F_k^* G_q \; \left(\frac{1}{N}\sum_y e^{2\pi i (q-k) y / N} = \delta_{qk} \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k} e^{-2\pi i k x / N} F_k^* G_k \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{k} e^{-2\pi i k x / N} F_k^* G_k \right) \\ \texttt{x_correlation(f, g)} &= \texttt{x_fft(conj(x_fft(f))x_fft(g))} / \sqrt{N} \end{align} .. warning :: We have $g(y-x)$ whereas `Wikipedia <>`_ has $g(y+x)$. The difference is just the sign on the relative coordinates. .. warning :: We normalize by the spatial volume, `Wikipedia <>`_ does not. Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axis is a spatial direction. g: np.array A form whose axis is a spatial direction. axis: int The common spatial dimension along which to correlate. Returns ------- np.array: The correlation of f and g along the axis, which is now the relative coordinate. ''' return self.x_ifft( self.x_fft(f, axis=axis).conj() * self.x_fft(g, axis=axis), axis=axis) / np.sqrt(self.nx)
[docs] def fft(self, form, axes=(-2,-1)): r''' Fourier transforms the form in the space and time directions, .. math :: F_{\nu,k} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{x,t=0}^{N-1} e^{-2\pi i (\nu t +k x) / N} f_{t,x} where $\nu, k$ are the integer frequency and wavenumber, $t, x$ are the integer time adn space coordinates and $N$ is the linear extent of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axes: (int, int) The axes which are the (time, space) directions. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the (frequency, wavenumber) domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.fft2(form, axes=axes, norm='ortho')
[docs] def ifft(self, form, axes=(-2,-1)): r''' Inverse Fourier transforms the form in the space and time directions, .. math :: f_{t,x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu,k=0}^{N-1} e^{-2\pi i (\nu t +k x) / N} F_{\nu,k} where $\nu, k$ are the integer frequency and wavenumber, $t, x$ are the integer time adn space coordinates and $N$ is the linear extent of the lattice. Parameters ---------- form: np.array The data to transform axes: (int, int) The axes which are the (frequency, wavenumber) directions. Returns ------- np.array: The form is transformed to the (time, space) domain along the axis. ''' return np.fft.ifft2(form, axes=axes, norm='ortho')
[docs] def convolution(self, f, g, axes=(-2, -1)): r''' The `convolution <>`_ is given by .. math :: \texttt{convolution(f, g)}(t, x) = (f * g)(t, x) = \sum_{\tau y} f(\tau,y) g(t-\tau, x-y) where $f^*$ is the complex-conjugate of $f$. .. collapse :: The convolution is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f * g)(t,x) &= \sum_{\tau y} f(\tau,y) g(t-\tau, x-y) \\ &= \sum_{\tau y} \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu,k} e^{-2\pi i (\nu \tau +k y) / N} F_{\nu,k}\right) \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu',q} e^{-2\pi i (\nu' (t-\tau) +q (x-y)) / N} G_{\nu',q}\right) \\ &= \sum_{\nu, k, \nu', q} e^{-2\pi i (\nu' t + q x) / N} F_{\nu,k}G_{\nu',q} \left(\frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{\tau y}e^{-2\pi i [\tau(\nu-\nu') + y(k-q)] / N} = \delta_{kq} \delta_{\nu\nu'}\right) \\ &= N \times \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu, k} e^{-2\pi i (\nu t + k x) / N} F_{\nu,k}G_{\nu,k} \\ \texttt{convolution(f, g)} &= N \times \texttt{ifft(fft(f)fft(g))} \end{align} Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axes are temporal and spatial directions. g: np.array A form whose axes are temporal and spatial directions. axes: (int, int) The common temporal and spatial dimensions along which to convolve. Returns ------- np.array: The convolution of f and g along the axes, which represent the (time, space) separation. ''' return np.sqrt(self.sites) * self.ifft(self.fft(f, axes=axes) * self.fft(g, axes=axes), axes=axes)
[docs] def correlation(self, f, g, axes=(-2,-1)): r''' The `cross-correlation <>`_ is given by .. math :: \texttt{correlation(f, g)}(t, x) = (f ⋆ g)(t, x) = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{\tau y} f(\tau,y)^* g(\tau-t, y-x) where $f^*$ is the complex-conjugate of $f$. .. collapse :: The cross-correlation is Fourier accelerated. :class: note .. math :: \begin{align} (f ⋆ g)(t,x) &= \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{\tau y} f(\tau,y)^* g(\tau-t, y-x) \\ &= \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{\tau y} \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu,k} e^{-2\pi i (\nu \tau +k y) / N} F_{\nu,k}\right)^* \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu',q} e^{-2\pi i (\nu' (\tau-t) +q (y-x)) / N} G_{\nu',q}\right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{\nu, k, \nu', q} e^{+2\pi i (\nu' t + q x) / N} F_{\nu,k}^*G_{\nu',q} \left(\frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{\tau y}e^{2\pi i [\tau(\nu-\nu') + y(k-q)] / N} = \delta_{kq} \delta_{\nu\nu'}\right) \\ &= \frac{1}{N}\times \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\nu, k} e^{+2\pi i (\nu t + k x) / N} F_{\nu,k}^*G_{\nu,k} \\ \texttt{correlation(f, g)} &= \texttt{fft(conj(fft(f))fft(g))} / N \end{align} .. warning :: We have $g(\tau-t, y-x)$ whereas `Wikipedia <>`_ has $g(\tau+t, y+x)$. The difference is just the sign on the relative coordinates. .. warning :: We normalize by the spacetime volume, `Wikipedia <>`_ does not. Parameters ---------- f: np.array A form whose axes are temporal and spatial directions. g: np.array A form whose axes are temporal and spatial directions. axes: (int, int) The common temporal and spatial dimensions along which to correlate. Returns ------- np.array: The correlation of f and g along the axes, which represent the (time, space) separation. ''' return self.fft( self.fft(f, axes=axes).conj() * self.fft(g, axes=axes), axes=axes) / np.sqrt(self.sites)
[docs] def plot_form(self, p, form, axis, label=None, zorder=None, cmap=None, cbar_kw=dict(), norm=colors.CenteredNorm(), pointsize=200, linkwidth=0.025, background='white', markerstyle = 'o' ): r''' Plots the p-form on the axis. The following figure shows a 0-form plotted on sites, a 1-form on links, and a 2-form on plaquettes. See the source for details. .. plot:: example/plot/ Parameters ---------- p: int The kind of form. form: np.array The data constituting form. axis: matplotlib.pyplot.axis The axis on which to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.image.AxesImage: A handle for the data-sensitive part of the plot. Other Parameters ---------------- label: string If specified, show a colorbar with the title given by the label. zorder: float If `None` defaults to `zorder=-p` to layer plaquettes, links, and sites well. cmap: string or matplotlib.colors.Colormap If a string, it should name `a colormap known to matplotlib <>`_. cbar_kw: dict A dictionary of keyword arguments forwarded to `the colorbar constructor <>`_. norm: matplotlib.colors.Normalize A `matplotlib color normalization <>`_. ''' zorder = {'zorder': -p if zorder is None else zorder} marker_size = { 's': pointsize, 'edgecolor': background, 'linewidth': 2, 'marker' : markerstyle } marker_color = { 'cmap': cmap, 'norm': norm, } no_arrowhead = {'headwidth': 0, 'headlength': 0, 'headaxislength': 0,} linkpadding = {'edgecolor': background, 'linewidth': 4} links = { 'scale_units': 'xy', 'scale': 1, 'width': linkwidth, **no_arrowhead, **linkpadding, 'cmap': cmap, 'norm': norm, } if p == 0: f = axis.scatter(self.T, self.X, c=form, **zorder, **marker_size, **marker_color) if p == 1: # To get the horizontal links and vertical links to have the same coloring the simplest # thing is to combine them into a single quiver. We'll just completely flatten the 1-form # which puts all the 0-direction links first and then all the 1-direction links. # So, we need two copies of their starting directions... T = np.tile(self.T.flatten(), 2) X = np.tile(self.X.flatten(), 2) # ... and to say that the first half point in the 0 direction and the latter half in the 1 direction ... U = np.concatenate((np.ones_like (self.T.flatten()), np.zeros_like(self.T.flatten()))) V = np.concatenate((np.zeros_like(self.T.flatten()), np.ones_like (self.T.flatten()))) # and then we can plot the whole form together. f = axis.quiver(T, X, U, V, form.flatten(), **zorder, **links) axis.scatter(self.T, self.X, color=background, **zorder, **marker_size) if p == 2: # We roll the form because the figure should have (0,0) in the middle but the form has (0,0) in the corner. # We transpose because imshow goes in the 'other order'. form = self.roll(form, ((self.nt-1) // 2, (self.nx-1) // 2)).transpose() f = axis.imshow(form, **zorder, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', extent=(min(self.t), max(self.t)+1, min(self.x), max(self.x)+1), norm=norm, ) axis.quiver(self.T, self.X, 1, 0, color='white', **zorder, **links) axis.quiver(self.T, self.X, 0, 1, color='white', **zorder, **links) axis.scatter(self.T, self.X, color=background, **zorder, **marker_size) axis.xaxis.set_zorder(-p) axis.yaxis.set_zorder(-p) if label: cbar = axis.figure.colorbar(f, ax=axis, **cbar_kw) axis.set_xlim(min(self.t)-0.5, max(self.t)+1.5) axis.set_ylim(min(self.x)-0.5, max(self.x)+1.5) axis.set_xlabel('t') axis.set_ylabel('x') return f
[docs] def x_even(self, form, axis=-1): r''' Returns the form symmetrized along the spatial axis. ''' return 0.5*(form + np.roll(np.flip(form, axis=axis), 1, axis=axis))
[docs] def x_odd(self, form, axis=-1): r''' Returns the form antisymmetrized along the spatial axis. ''' return 0.5*(form - np.roll(np.flip(form, axis=axis), 1, axis=axis))
[docs] def t_even(self, form, axis=-2): r''' Returns the form symmetrized along the temporal axis. ''' return 0.5*(form + np.roll(np.flip(form, axis=axis), 1, axis=axis))
[docs] def t_odd(self, form, axis=-2): r''' Returns the form antisymmetrized along the temporal axis. ''' return 0.5*(form - np.roll(np.flip(form, axis=axis), 1, axis=axis))
@cached_property def point_group_permutations(self): r''' Lists of permutations of sites that correspond to the geometric transformations in ``point_group_operations``. The starting order is the order in ``coordinates``. ''' # These are computed lazily because the implementation of _point_group_permutations is quadratic. return np.stack(tuple(self._point_group_permutation(o) for o in self.point_group_operations)) def _point_group_permutation(self, operator): # Since the operations map lattice points to lattice points we know that they are a permutation # on the set of coordinates. permutation = [] for i in range(self.sites): for j in range(self.sites): if (self.coordinates[i] == self.mod(np.matmul(operator, self.coordinates[j]))).all(): permutation += [j] continue # since a permutation is one-to-one return np.array(permutation)
[docs] def irrep(self, correlator, irrep='A1', conjugate=False, dims=(-1,)): r''' The point group of a 2D lattice is $D_4$ and the structure and irreps are detailed in ` <the tdg documentation>`_\, where the spatial lattice is 2D. .. plot:: example/plot/ .. note:: Currently we only know how project scalar correlators that depend on a single spatial separation. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray Data whose `axes` should be symmetrized. irrep: one of ``.point_group_irreps`` The irrep to project to. conjugate: `True` or `False` The weights are conjugated, which only affects the E representations. dims: The latter of an adjacent time/space pair of dimensions. The dimensions will be linearized and therefore must be adjacent. Returns ------- A complex-valued torch.tensor of the same shape as data, but with the axis projected to the requested irrep. ''' C = self.linearize(correlator, dims=dims) temp = np.zeros_like(C) + 0.j for p, w in zip( self.point_group_permutations, self.point_group_weights[irrep] if not conjugate else self.point_group_weights[irrep].conj() ): temp += w * np.take(C, p, -1) return self.coordinatize(temp, dims=dims)
import numba from numba.experimental import jitclass @jitclass([ ('nt', numba.int64), ('nx', numba.int64), ('dims', numba.int64[:]), ('t', numba.int64[:]), ('x', numba.int64[:]), ]) class _Lattice2D: r''' A numba-accelerated collection of lattice functions. .. warning:: NOT ALL LATTICES METHODS ARE INCLUDED; THEY MAY BE ADDED OVER TIME AS NEEDED. Moreover, not all methods have the same signature due to limitations in numba. Seriously this is to be used but rarely. Used only in :class:`~.worldline.ClassicWorm`. .. note :: Currently `numba jitclasses do not support classmethods <>`_. In particular, that makes they incompatible with our HDF5 infrastructure; they cannot be made :class:`~.ReadWriteable`, for instance. Therefore, they should be set as class members; you may need to reconstruct them. ''' def __init__(self, dims): self.nt = dims[0] self.nx = dims[1] self.dims = np.array(dims) self.t = self._dimension(self.nt) self.x = self._dimension(self.nx) def _dimension(self, n): return np.concatenate(( np.arange(0, n // 2 + 1, dtype=np.int64), np.arange( - n // 2 + 1, 0, dtype=np.int64), )) def mod(self, points=np.array([[]])): r''' .. warning :: The return value is unpacked along each dimension. This seemed to be a peculiar requirement of numba. Parameters ---------- points: 2D np.array An n×2 array of points to be modded. Returns ------- t: np.array The first coordinate of each point modded into the lattice. x: np.array The second coordinate of each point modded into the lattice. ''' flip = points.T t_modded = np.mod(flip[0], self.nt) x_modded = np.mod(flip[1], self.nx) return self.t[t_modded], self.x[x_modded] def neighboring_sites(self, here): # east, north, west, south return self.mod(here + np.array([[+1,0], [0,+1], [-1,0], [0,-1]])) def neighboring_plaquettes(self, here): # east, north, west, south return self.mod(here + np.array([[0,-1], [+1,0], [0,+1], [-1,0]])) def adjacent_links(self, form, site): if form == 0: # Links to the east, north, west, and south t, x = self.neighboring_sites(site) east = np.array([t[0], x[0]]) north= np.array([t[1], x[1]]) west = np.array([t[2], x[2]]) south= np.array([t[3], x[3]]) # n # | x # w-h-e ^ # | | # s o-->t return ((0, site [0], site [1]), # t link to the east (1, site [0], site [1]), # x link to the north (0, west [0], west [1]), # t link to the west (1, south[0], south[1])) # x link to the south if form == 2: t, x = self.neighboring_plaquettes(site) east = np.array([t[0], x[0]]) north= np.array([t[1], x[1]]) west = np.array([t[2], x[2]]) south= np.array([t[3], x[3]]) # n # +-+ t # w|h|e ^ # o-+ | # s x<--o return ((0, site [0], site [1]), # t link to the east (1, north[0], north[1]), # x link to the north (0, west [0], west [1]), # t link to the west (1, site [0], site [1])) # x link to the south